Saturday, October 26, 2013

6 Ways To Fix Common Orchid Problems

Generally orchids, that are grown indoors, are not affected by most of the plant related pests and diseases. However, there are various conditions which may impact on the health of the home-grown orchid and which are identifiable from noticeable changes to the appearance of the orchid plant.
The following 6 common orchid problems are both easy to identify and equally easy to deal with and rectify.
Lack of New Growth
The orchid will only show signs of new growth during its growing season, it is normal for an orchid to have a dormant period after its season of growth. Any attempts to 'kick start' growth by additional applications of watering and fertiliser should be resisted as this may be detrimental to the plant's health.
Priority should be given to providing the correct temperatures and lighting conditions which will promote growth in a healthy orchid.

Orchid Does Not Flower
First check that the plant is receiving sufficient light which is critical to the orchid's flower growth.
Alternatively, a newly purchased orchid may not bloom during the following year's flowering season. Once the plant matures it will then produce flowers each year.
Leaves Have Turned Dark or Blue-Green
This condition is a sure sign that the orchid is receiving insufficient light. This is best corrected by gradually moving the plant to brighter daylight conditions over several days to avoid the sudden shock from higher illumination levels.
Alternatively, supplement the natural day light with fluorescent lights placed at a height of 30cm (12 inches) above the orchid.
Leaves Have Become Yellow
Conversely to the last problem, yellow leaves can be a result of the orchid getting excessive lighting levels. In which case increase the amount of shade for the orchid.
Alternatively, the yellowing of leaves can often be caused by a lack of nutrients resulting from insufficient fertiliser. For most indoor orchids apply a soluble orchid fertiliser at two weekly intervals during its growing season.
Finally, it may be the yellowing of old leaves which are being replaced by new leaf growth, in which case there is nothing to be concerned about.

Areas of Black on Leaves
A common cause of black areas on orchid leaves is intense direct sunlight causing sunburn, which can be rectified by providing shaded or filtered sunlight.
An alternative cause which can result in more extensive blackening of the leaf is fungal disease.
The cure for this is to cut away the infected area with a sharp blade, and apply an appropriate fungicide treatment.
Flowers Showing Signs of Wilting
When orchid flowers begin to show signs of wilting, which also may be accompanied by buds dropping off, it could be due to a shock caused by a sudden change in temperature.
It is vital to provide an environment for your orchid in which there is a regular daily temperature range between night-time and day-time without sudden extreme temperature changes.
Black Spots on Flowers
The most frequent cause of black spots on flowers is a specific fungus, known as Botrytris which occurs in conditions of excessive moisture and insufficient air circulation.
To reduce the moisture on the plant, increase the air circulation through the use of an electric fan, along with limiting the amount of watering and misting.
Multiple Orchid Roots Growing Outside the Pot
This phenomenon is usually due to the potting medium decomposing and the orchid needing to be re-potted.
It is recommended that the new potting medium is based on a medium cut bark mix which should reduce the re-potting frequency to two years.
Bacterial and Fungal Diseases
As previously mentioned, the best way to avoid these diseases is give your orchid continual air circulation although this air should be at room temperature.
In addition, any watering or misting of the orchid should be carried out during the morning which will enable any excess moisture to evaporate during the warmth of the day.
Again, these diseases should be appropriately treated. Your local garden centre or orchid supplier will be able to recommend suitable products.

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