Friday, March 15, 2013

Wedding Orchid Flowers

One of the biggest decisions that one will make in their lives is to get married. Some ceremonies are small and some are on a much larger scale; no matter how small or big one may be there are always flowers. Flowers have always been a significant part of the ceremony and if anybody has a flower, it is the bride. There are countless types of flowers that the bride can choose from and wedding orchids are becoming more popular.
Orchids at one time were considered only for those who were financially fortunate to be able to have and care for orchids. Orchids were rare and were either imported in or grown by the wealthy in their own greenhouses. Today, there are a variety of orchids which are readily available for many occasions. Although orchids may not be the typical flower of choice, the adversity of the orchids is what is making this species of flower be used more and more as wedding orchids. There are over 20,000 different types of orchids which can be found all over the world but mainly in tropical locations. There are new species being developed to not only create different colors and patterns on the petals, but to create a more gorgeous and strong bloom. Many of these orchids are not normally used for ornamental purposes but there are several varieties that have become a popular choice among florists for almost any occasion. One particular variety is the Plalenopsis; this particular flower is one of the most used wedding orchids today.

The Plalenopsis is part of the Cymbidium family which is a popular family that is easy to care for and grow. The Plalenopsis is perfect for purposes in which the bloom needs to hold for a long period of time such as at weddings. The bloom of a Plalenopsis is able to last longer than many other flowers as this flower is very sturdy even when removed from the stem. The blossom and stem can not only be used just for the bride's bouquet but for many other applications within the wedding as well.
The beauty of the wedding orchid does not only enhance the wedding party, but the flowers can also provide color and patterns to many other areas within the wedding such as the groom's boutonniere, the bridesmaid's flowers, flowers that are used near the area in which the vows are voiced; the blooms can be used in other applications such as floating in water on tables as centerpieces, given as gifts to certain parties, and even used to decorate the wedding cake. The use of orchids is endless; wherever one may want color, then that perhaps is where a flower belongs. Flowers are able to uplift an environment with their presence at any given time. Their colors, patterns, and scent can lift the spirits to give a fresh feeling. Some flowers offer a more delicate atmosphere, some may provide a relaxed atmosphere, and some such as wedding orchids offer an uplift in elegance and beauty to not only the wedding itself but the bride and groom as well.

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